DND Shop
- Club
- Dagger
- Greatclub
- Handaxe
- Javelin
- Light hammer
- Mace
- Quarterstaff
- Sickle
- Spear
- Light Crossbow
- Dart
- Shortbow
- Sling
- Battleaxe
- Flail
- Glaive
- Greataxe
- Greatsword
- Halberd
- Lance
- Longsword
- Maul
- Morningstar
- Pike
- Rapier
- Scimitar
- Shortsword
- Trident
- Warhammer
- Whip
- Blowgun
- Hand crossbow
- Heavy crossbow
- Longbow
- Net
- 20 Arrows
- 50 Blowgun needles
- 20 Crossbow bolts
- 20 Sling bullets
- Padded armor
- Leather armor
- Studded leather armor
- Hide armor
- Chain shirt
- Scale mail
- Breastplate
- Half plate
- Ring mail
- Chain mail
- Splint
- Plate armor
- Shield
- Crystal
- Orb
- Rod
- Staff
- Wand
- Amulet
- Emblem
- Reliquary
- Abacus
- Acid vial
- Alchemists fire flask
- Antitoxin vial
- Backpack
- Bag of 1000 ball bearings
- Barrel
- Basket
- Bedroll
- Bell
- Blanket
- Block and tackle
- Book
- Glass bottle
- Bucket
- Bag of 20 Caltrops
- Candle
- Crossbow bolt case
- Map or scroll case
- 10 feet of chainv
- 1 piece chalk
- Chest
- Climbers kit
- Common clothes
- Fine clothes
- Traveles clothes
- Component pouch
- Crowbar
- Fishing tackle
- Flask or tankard
- Grappling hook
- Hammer
- Sledge hammer
- Healers kit
- Holy water flask
- Hourglass
- Hunting trap
- 1 ounce bottle of ink
- Ink pen
- Jug or pitcher
- 10 foot ladder
- Lamp
- Bullseye lantern
- Hooded lanternv
- Lock
- Magnifying glass
- Manacles
- Mess kit
- Steel mirror
- Flask of oil
- One sheet of paper
- One sheet of Parchment
- Perfume vial
- Miners pick
- Piton
- Basic poison vial
- 10-foot pole
- Iron pot
- Potion of healingv
- Pouch
- Quiver
- Portable ram
- 1 days rations
- Robes
- 50 feet of Hempen rope
- 50 feet of silk rope
- Sack
- Merchants scalev
- Sealing wax
- Shovel
- Signal whistle
- Signet ring
- Soap
- Spellbook
- 10 iron spikes
- Spyglass
- Two person tent
- Tinderbox
- Torch
- Vial
- Waterskin
- Whetstone
- Alchemists supplies
- Brewers supplies
- Calligraphers supplies
- Carpenters tools
- Cartographers tools
- Cobblers tools
- Cooks utensils
- Glassblowers tools
- Jewelers tools
- Leatherworkers tools
- Masons tools
- Painters supplies
- Smiths tools
- Tinkers tools
- Weavers tools
- Woodcarvers tools
- Dice set
- Playing card set
- Bagpipes
- Drum
- Dulcimer
- Flute
- Lute
- Lyre
- Horn
- Pan flute
- Shawm
- Viol
- Navigators tools
- Thieves tools
Total Spent: 0 currency